Friday 21 October 2016

Effect of Abuse

Abuse can affect every aspect of human life.
It could affect one's self-esteem.
It can lead to:
1. Difficulty concentrating
2. Academic problem in school
3. Anxiety
4. Depression
5. Dissociation
6. Difficulty sleeping
7. Flashback
8. Fear
9. Thinking of suicide
10. Being violent
Most abused children suffer greater emotional problem than physical damage.
Abuse can occur anywhere; school, organisations, religious place, home etc.
     Recognising Abuse
People fail to recognise that they are being abused.
Seeing parents hit each other may make a child think or believe it is acceptable, but I tell you today that 'Abuse' is not a good way to treat people.
* Show love unto others, help those that are being abused.
There is no reason why people should abuse others.
Growing up in an abused home could make a child abusive too.
Some people become abusive because they can't control their feelings, which is very bad.
We should at all times be able to control our feelings.

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